
The Windsor Essex Employment Group is made up of local employment specialists who work together to make a significant impact on your business. We provide assistance with recruiting qualified and motivated employees at no cost to you. Our qualified employment specialists choose candidates that best match your needs and the services are customized to your business.

Finding a valuable employee can be a time consuming process and can include advertising, reviewing resumes, contacting candidates to set up interviews, conducting the interview as well as performing any testing and background checks.

What are the advantages to choosing Windsor Essex Employment Group?

·Availability of Candidates: Through the collaboration of our group we have a large pool of skilled and motivated candidates and we network to meet your needs

· Cost Savings: Replacing employees and training new staff is costly, so is the price of using a typical placement agency. Leave it to the experts to find a desirable candidate

·Time Savings: As we manage the recruitment process you can focus on making your business a success

·Confidentiality: Our services are fulfilled in strict privacy which is especially important when replacing or adjusting your current staff

·Local Employment Planning Council: We work in collaboration with Workforce Windsor Essex to promote and support the local workforce by identifying current and future opportunities in the region through research, communication and partnerships.

Other Services

· Assistance in securing appropriate certifications and job requirements
· One-on-one, onsite job coaching services
· Job Maintenance – should you decide to expand the employees’ responsibilities
· Potential monetary and other incentives
· Local services provided throughout Windsor, Essex-County

The Windsor Essex Employment Group strives to provide the utmost respect and dignity to each employer and client. We are passionate about matching your needs with the best candidate for the job and will continue to support that worker to ensure a mutually successful relationship.